Chicago: High School Edition
by Fred Ebb, Bob Fosse, John Kander, and Maurine Dallas Watkins
Performance Dates: March 21, 23-24, 28-30
Performance Times: 7:30 pm
Performance Location: Tremper Auditorium
Synopsis: In roaring twenties Chicago, chorine Roxie Hart murders a faithless lover and convinces her hapless husband, Amos, to take the rap...until he finds out he's been duped and turns on Roxie. Convicted and sent to death row, Roxie and another "Merry Murderess," Velma Kelly, vie for the spotlight and the headlines, ultimately joining forces in search of the "American Dream": fame, fortune, and acquittal.
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Lauren is a senior at Tremper and will be attending the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire in the Fall. She is so very thankful for her family, her dance teachers, her friends, the cast and crew, and most of all Cicerale. Without Cicerale’s motivation, Lauren could not have taken on this role. Also, thank you to her steamer.
Lauren Hackeloer - Velma Kelly
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Hannah is a junior at Tremper. This is her first production at Tremper; however, she has previously been in several KUSD productions, including West Side Story, Freaky Friday, Mamma Mia, and Children of Eden. Hannah would like to thank her family, friends, and members of the show for their love and support.
Hannah Weidner - Roxie Hart
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Luke is a senior at Indian Trail. This is his 14th KUSD production with credits including Snake in Children of Eden, Sky in Mamma Mia!, and Curly in Oklahoma!. He plans to pursue a major in Musical Theatre and Arts Management. Luke would like to thank his family, friends, and the KUSD directing staff for the amazing opportunities over the last four years.
Luke Cloherty - Billy Flynn
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Gavin is a sophomore at Tremper. He has been a part of over 20 productions and would like to thank all who have been involved for making it as memorable as it can be. Huge thanks to his friends and family for supporting him in everything he does, and past directors for shaping him into the actor he is today.
Gavin Casillas - Amos Hart
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Yasmyne is a senior at Tremper. She intends to major in Biology/Pre-Med with a minor in Theatre next Fall. She wants to thank her amazing family and friends for always supporting her. She would also like to thank her fantastic director for pushing her to become the best actor she can be. She hopes you enjoy the show.
Yasmyne Williams* - Matron "Mama" Morton
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Cassie is a senior at Tremper and hopes to attend UW-Madison. This is Cassie’s first and last show at Tremper, but she has been involved in multiple choirs, Madrigal Singers, and Solo and Ensemble. Cassie would like to thank her friends and family for loving and supporting her through her senior year.
Cassie Bruce - Mary Sunshine
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Isabella is a senior at Tremper. She has been in multiple KUSD shows throughout these past four years. She’s very excited to finish out her high school career with such an exciting show. Next year, she will be attending UW-Madison. She would like to thank her family, friends, and dance teachers for always supporting her and making her time spent in theatre memorable.
Isabella Puterbaugh - Liz
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Kaiya moved here from Florida and is a senior at Tremper High. She has partaken in musical theatre at her past schools, but this is her first KUSD show. She has danced all her life in preparation for this amazing show. She would like to thank Mr. Cicerale for inspiring her to partake in theatre at this school and also her parents for supporting her through the whole process. She is attending Carthage College in the Fall.
Kaiya Henson - Annie
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Gabriella is a freshman and attends Bradford High School. She’s been in theatre since kindergarten and in a total of 24 shows. She would like to thank her family and Vicky and Sofia Roldan for being her biggest supporters.
Gabi Ciotti - June
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Lily is a junior attending Indian Trail High School. She began dancing when she was three years old and found theatre freshman year. She would like to thank her family, friends, and the KUSD theatre staff for a memorable past three years. She is looking forward to an exciting senior year.
Lily Dawson - Hunyak
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Alyssa is a junior at Tremper. She has done multiple shows within KUSD, CTA, and she has attended the National Thespian Festival for two years. She would like to thank the KUSD theatre staff, CTA staff, her family, and Lexi Tyler for all their support. She is very thankful for this amazing experience.
Alyssa Smith - Mona
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Caylee is a senior at Tremper, and this is her first KUSD show. Although she did shows when she was younger, she’s glad to be finishing off her high school career with such a fun one like Chicago. Next year, she will be attending UW-Milwaukee. She would like to thank her family, friends, Cicerale, and most importantly, herself for making her actually audition for the show.
Caylee Helton - Kitty
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Grace is a sophomore at Indian Trail. This is her first ever performance in a KUSD show. Grace would like to thank her mom and dad for pushing her to audition. She is very thankful for her family and this opportunity.
Grace Corcoran - Ensemble
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Annika is a senior at Tremper. This is her first KUSD production and she has been dancing for seven years. She plans on attending the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities in the Fall. Lastly, she would like to thank her family, friends, and dance teachers for always supporting her and helping her to achieve her goals.
Annika Hanson - Ensemble
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Jai is a charismatic, stupendous junior (although she’s smart enough to be a college). On a first meeting, you may believe she was born and raised among the gods themselves. But no. Her roots sprout from the dirt of little ol’ Kenowhere. Long story short, she is 5’11” of sheer beauty and grace.
Jai-Ahja Moore-Spann - Ensemble
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Julia is a senior at Indian Trail. She began theatre at eight years old and is excited to end with Chicago. Julia would like to thank her family for their constant support, her sister Erin for inspiring her to start theatre, and Justin Hauke and Nic Cicerale for a memorable high school theatre experience. Julia will be attending the Lubar School of Business at UW-Milwaukee next Fall.
Julia Nordloh - Ensemble
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Jack is a junior at Tremper is both a Cross Country runner and a Madrigal singer. Chicago is Jack’s first show, and he would like to thank his parents, friends, director, and girlfriend for the endless love and support in his new endeavor. Also, he wants to officially come out as pro-Half-off-Apps at Applebee's.
Jack Burleson - Ensemble
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Luke is a senior at Tremper and this is his second involvement in a show. He is going to college for Technology and Design. Luke would like to thank his family, friends, and Nicolas Cicerale for the opportunity. Luke would also like to thank the cast for being so supportive and welcoming in this quick transition.
Luke Eidsor - Ensemble
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Connor is a senior at Tremper. This is his second theatre production, and his first musical. In the Fall, he will attend Carthage College with a major in Music Education. He would like to dedicate this performance to his father.
Connor Feivor - Ensemble
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Catherine is a senior at Tremper. This is her 10th production that she has been involved with. Auditioning for a musical forced her to step out of her comfort zone. She hopes after she graduates, her own musical will finally be released. Catherine would like to thank everyone who has pushed her to be her very best!
Catherine Moddes* - Ensemble
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Aisling is a junior at Tremper. Aisling has done theatre for many years and plans to continue through senior year. Aisling would like to thank her family and friends for always supporting her. She would also like to thank her whole cast for having such welcoming arms and a great experience.
Aisling Murray - Ensemble
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Tyler is a junior at Tremper High School. This is Tyler’s first show, although he has been in choir since sixth grade. Tyler thinks he’s a cutie even though he looks like “a jolly rancher rolled around at a barbershop” (Connor Feivor). Tyler would also like to announce he supports the spread of cool socks.
Tyler Raymundo - Ensemble
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Jada Robinson is a senior at Harborside Academy and has been involved in performing arts for four years. Her goal after high school is to pursue a degree in Acting at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City. She would like to thank her mom and siblings for all of the love and support.
Jada Robinson - Ensemble
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Madelyn is a freshman at Tremper. This is Madelyn’s first musical. Madelyn is a cheerleader at Tremper. Madelyn would like to thank her cousins Bailey, Riley, and Connor for inspiring her to do musicals and plays. She would also like to thank her family and friends for encouraging her to audition for the play.
Madelyn Schutzen - Ensemble
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Cooper is a freshman at Tremper. He has been a part of over 20 productions throughout Kenosha. He is proud to say Chicago is his first high school show. He would like to thank all of his friends, family, and directors for making the him the person he is today.
Cooper Wood - Ensemble


Ms. Kathy Ripley
Music Director
Deena Alsabbah
William Bailey
Zach Bell
Aidan Betourne
Dylan Bonn
Aubrey Brown
Emma Burchall
Alex Cope
Stormy Grumbeck
Isac Gutierrez
Lexy Klawonn
Audrey Majerowski
Andrew Rasch
Elizabeth Rimkus
Alto Sax
Jack Robbins
Abbie Snyder
Holland Wagner
Mr. Bjorn Hanson


Mr. Nicolas Cicerale
Mr. Joey Rundlett
Technical Director
Mr. Ajay Bedi
Maddie Ball*
Stage Manager
Kaitlyn Alley
Assistant Stage Manager
Katie Lynch
Assistant Stage Manager
Ms. Christen Dominguez
Costume/Make-Up/Hair Design
Troy Keller
Light Board Operator
Danny Swanger
Light Board Operator
James Andersen
Spotlight Operator
Jace Pearson
Spotlight Operator
Faith Wrycha
Microphone Operator
Alex Kexel
Properties Master
Izabella Beutner
Running Crew
Reina Castilla
Running Crew
Bianca Gonzalez*
Running Crew
Karma Hanson
Running Crew
Lex Learsch
Running Crew
Chris LeValley*
Running Crew
Ellie Clark
Costume Changer
Savannah Herstedt
Costume Changer
Rae Maegaard
Costume Changer